Event Safety - International Congress and Exhibition Pharma Uzbekistan & Central Asia
Authoritative platform of market leaders for the exchange of knowledge and experience in the pharmaceutical field

Event Safety Precautions

To ensure the safety of participants, partners and employees at our events, Vostock Capital Organising Committee strictly adheres to hygiene standards, instructions and recommendations of healthcare organisations, the government and local authorities and applies the most advanced methods to prevent COVID-19 spreading.

Detection & Prevention

Non-contact temperature measurement for all participants, Vostock Capital managers, and employees at the venue

We strongly recommend and encourage wearing a protective mask. New masks are always available at the reception desk

Cleanness and hygiene

Please follow the hygiene rules: frequent hand washing, use of skin antiseptics. Skin antiseptics are installed in accessible areas of the venue

Event programme takes into account all requirements of Russian healthcare organisations. The breaks are long enough to ensure cleaning and disinfection of the conference hall

We work on venues, where:

-Daily disinfection of air is provided for public areas with the help of closed-type ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators

-Cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems are provided on regular basis

Physical distancing

Sitting arrangement in the conference hall follows all social distancing requirements

Please try to avoid or reduce hand shaking and exchanging of business cards, digital business cards are safer alternatives